ebtEDGE Partner

The ebtEDGE Partner page displays links for each of the following sections that you have permission to view or update:

·          News

·          EBT Resources

·          Update Your Profile

·          Services


The page displays the following tabs:

·          Home (Displays by default when you log in to the ebtEDGE Partner page).

·          Services

·          Documentation

·          Training

·          News


You can perform the following tasks in the page:

1.      Click the List All link next to the Services section to display the entire list of Partner services.

2.      Click the ebtedge.com link at the top right corner of the page to display the ebtEDGE Main Portal Page.

3.      Click the Log Off link at the top right corner of the page to log out of the webADMIN application.


See Also:

ebtEDGE Partner

Partner Log In

Update My Profile